
Membership dues provide the Friends with the funds necessary to carry out our programs.              

Green Valley-Sahuarita homeowners and visitors can acquire a membership in the Friends of the Pima-Green Valley Library in order to help support and further the work of the Friends. There are several categories of membership depending on the amount paid per year:

Individual/Family Memberships

  • Friend-$25
  • Patron-$50
  • Sponsor-$75
  • Benefactor-$100
  • Life Member-$500*
Membership entitles you to receive the Friends newsletter twice a year. If you give us an email address, you will receive monthly email bulletins that highlight library activities and Friends news, such as bookstore sales. These monthly emails provide an easy way to see information about all the library's programs for the month.

 *The Life Membership is a one-time payment. Life Members' names will be engraved on our plaque listing Life Member Donors. These plaques are hanging in the hallway wall to the left as you enter the Joyner-Green Valley Library.

If you don’t wish to contribute in any of the above categories, you may send what you wish.

Join by Mail

Click here to get a printable Membership Form.

You can fill out this form on your computer and then print it out. Or you can print it out first and fill it in by hand. In either case, you will need to mail the form to the address on the form.


Join Online

If you prefer, you can join the friends online, using the form below. You will need to pay online with a credit card if you choose this option.

Renew Online

If you are already a member, you can renew your membership online by Logging in and clicking the Edit your Membership Profile link below. To log in for the first time, see the home page.

Changing Membership Level

If you are already a member and want to change your membership level when you renew online, please do so after the first of the year.  If you want to renew before the first of next year, you can use the printable membership form and mail it in; or use the renewal letter you will receive in January.

There is a quirk in the renewal system that doesn't deal well with level changes during the early renewal period (October 1 - December 31).

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Copyright Friends of the Green Valley Library.
P. O. Box 43, Green Valley AZ 85622-0043

Friends of the Pima-Green Valley Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. P. O. Box 43, Green Valley, AZ 85622-0043

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